
Bloc a Bloc
Degree Show 2022

Due Time
Bloc a Bloc was the Degree Show of Elisava in 2022 that became a constellation of proccesses and results from final degree projects. Adopting a
trans-studio format where each part contributes to the whole, the exhibition featured approximately 200 student projects, showcasing and endorsing Elisava's Distributed School initiative.

Collaborated with
Cross Functional Group of 25 Students and 5 Teachers.

The exhibition features a diverse array of Final Degree Projects, The exhibition presents a diverse range of Final Degree Projects, highlighting collaborations with companies and aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Union's New European Bauhaus platform. The comprehensive work, including graphic identity, exhibition design, and spatial lighting, has been orchestrated entirely by a multidisciplinary team of design students.

In addition, we designed the custom typography "ME FECIT," drawing inspiration from Elisava's banner and the legacy of a pioneering Catalan artist (c.1100 – c.1122).
Our collaboration extended to working with the accomplished Fraser Muggeridge, incorporating the TIMES MEGAFONT for visual design and wayfinding.
If you're interested, you can download the brand guidelines here.

The exhibition curation was a collaborative effort with the design collective Sociedad 0, renowned for their work with Paloma Wool and other well-known brands in Barcelona.
Operating under the theme 'Bloc a Bloc,' the exhibition's design incorporated 6,000 cement blocks, utilized by 4th-year students to shape their spaces across the nine designated areas.

The photographies of the exhibition were taken by the Enric Badrinas.

The photographies of the exhibition were taken by the Enric Badrinas. The photographies of the exhibition were taken by the Enric Badrinas. The exhibition curation was a collaborative effort with the design collective Sociedad 0, renowned for their work with Paloma Woolother well-known brands in Barcelona. Operating under the theme 'Bloc a Bloc,' the exhibition's design incorporated 6,000 cement blocksto shape their spaces across the nine designated
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